Active recall is a much better way of learning anything, including vocabulary. Instead of seeing the answer or rereading something, research clearly shows that actively asking questions, encouraging you to retrieve the memory actively leads to better long-term results.
Famous part Japanese people you might have not known
There are a lot of people who have Japanese heritage, however you might not be able to tell based on their name or appearance. Here is a list of 7 famous people who are part Japanese …
Cornerstones of learning vocabulary, part 1: The spacing effect
The spacing effect is one of the most important things underpinning how Skritter works. By spreading review over time, learning becomes much more efficient. But the spacing effect is not limited to vocabulary learning, it can be applied to other areas too!
Japanese character challenges, September 2016
In a way, learning characters is easy. When you know roughly how characters work and how they are composed, learning a new character is not hard. The difficulty comes from the large number of steps …
Chinese character challenges, September 2016
Test your Chinese character knowledge and improve your ability to compare and contrast characters with these challenges! Answers at the bottom.
Chinese character challenges, August 2016
Test your Chinese character knowledge and improve your ability to compare and contrast characters with these challenges! Answers at the bottom.
Hacking the most difficult Chinese characters (16-18)
This article discusses difficult characters in Chinese in order to help you learn them. It’s the sixth article in our series and deals with three characters: 饰, 粹 and 陵.
Japanese character challenges, August 2016
In a way, learning characters is easy. When you know roughly how characters work and how they are composed, learning a new character is not hard. The difficulty comes from the large number of steps …
Pokémon GO: Skritter!君に決めた!
Everything you need to know to play Pokémon GO in Japanese, including using the interface, the names of the pokémons and word lists so you can catch all the vocabulary in Skritter! Happy hunting!
Skritter’s new look and a call for feedback!
The new version of our website is here! Skritter 2.0 is an new application that will enable us to build an even better program for language learning. To help us better understand what you want, we would appreciate it very much if you could take the short survey included in this post!