Squigged out

In Uncategorized by Skritter

We mauled on the new strokes today, generating enough squigs so that the burritos can swarm again; the kitten is back. Thanks, everyone!


In Uncategorized by Skritter

Well, I didn’t get any extra reading before Google fixed their end, and we got back online early. The new burritos need squigs on which to swarm, so we’ve turned squigging back on for now. …

Down today

In Uncategorized by Skritter

I went to take the practice page down today because I’m uploading about 1800 new characters and many new strokes, recognizer updates, and stroke order fixes… …only to discover that Google, always eager to help, …

Kitten Upgrade

In Uncategorized by Skritter

The system for choosing words and characters to study (aka Kitten) has had some needed tweaks done to it, now that it’s gone through a bit of testing since it went live a couple weeks …

Vocab Lists

In Uncategorized by Skritter

I’ve written the Learning Center and FAQ pages, and am interested to know if there are more questions to be asked or more resources to be learned of. Also, we’re working on adding vocabulary and …

Hudson Kitty

In Uncategorized by Skritter

Two newsworthy items today: First, the time is now and the kitten is active. Yes, our little scheduling algorithm is up and running, and squig collecting is turned off. This means that the spaced repetition …


In Uncategorized by Skritter

Looks like we introduced a bug with the alpha comments sometime after the afternoon of the 8th. If you sent anything using the textbox on the practice page, it was eaten by a grue. Ouch! …

Login System

In Uncategorized by Skritter

We now have a user authentication system! We’re hooked in through Clickpass, and through them you can authenticate with Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft or any OpenID you would like. So you won’t need to (or …

Throw some Squigs on it

In Uncategorized by Skritter

We’re getting lots of good squigs, awesome. Keep up the good work. We need yet more Squigs, however. Even if you don’t know Chinese at all, you can do some — it’s easy. The more …