Children’s Games in Chinese

In Chinese by Skritter

In Taiwan, Children’s Day is celebrated on the 4th of April, so in celebration of this National holiday, we’ve put together a Skritter study deck featuring some popular games that kids play. We also made a video teaching some of the common ones in Taiwan.

Some Popular Games

猜拳猜拳cāiquána finger-guessing game
剪刀石头布剪刀石頭布jiǎndāo shítóu bùrock, paper, scissors – a hand game played by 2+ people.
鬼抓人鬼抓人guǐzhuāréncatch; tag (game)
捉迷藏捉迷藏zhuōmícángto play hide and seek
躲猫猫躲貓貓duǒ māomāohide-and-seek (colloquial)
一二三木头人一二三木頭人yī’èrsān mùtóurénmusical statues; grandma’s footsteps; red light, green light.
大风吹大風吹dàfēngchuībig wind blow; musical chairs
跳房子跳房子tiào fángzihopscotch
扑克牌撲克牌pūkèpáipoker (cards)
扮家家酒扮家家酒bànjiājiājiǔto play house (Tw children’s game)

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