The 2024 Taiwanese Presidential Elections are fast approaching, so in this video and Skritter deck , we teach some general terms for voting, and finish off with some terms specific to the Taiwanese elections.
There are 3 key characters to learn that will open up a whole host of vocab relating to elections and democracy, and those are 選 / 选 (xuǎn) | 票 (piào), and 黨 / 党 (dǎng).
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1. 選 / 选 (xuǎn) To choose; elect
选举 選舉 xuan3ju3 to elect; election 大选 大選 da4xuan3 general election 选民 選民 xuan3min2 voter; electorate; constituency 候选人 候選人 hou4xuan3ren2 candidate 参选 參選 can1xuan3 participate in voting; to run/stand in an election 选区 選區 xuan3qu1 electoral district 选战 選戰 xuan3zhan4 an election campaign 辅选 輔選 fu3xuan3 supporting a candidate in an election 竞选 競選 jing4xuan3 run for (electoral) office; take part in an election
2. 票 (piào) ticket; ballot; vote
选票 选票 選票 xuan3piao4 vote; ballot 投票 投票 tou2piao4 vote; poll 拉票 拉票 la1piao4 canvass for votes 拜票 拜票 bai4piao4 to canvass for votes (Tw) 开票 開票 kai1piao4 write a bill or invoice; open a ballot box; count votes 废票 廢票 fei4piao4 spoiled ballot 买票 買票 mai3piao4 to buy a ticket
3. 黨 / 党 (dǎng) Party; association
政党 政黨 zheng4dang3 political party 执政党 執政黨 zhi2zheng4dang3 ruling party 在野党 在野黨 zai4ye3dang3 political party not in office 大党 大黨 da4dang3 major political party 小党 小黨 xiao3dang3 minor political party 无党籍 無黨籍 wu2dang3ji2 non partisan; independent political party 党员 黨員 dang3yuan2 political party member 党中央 黨中央 dang3zhong1yang1 (Chinese Communist) Party Central Committee 党主席 黨主席 dang3zhu3xi2 party chief 党工 黨工 dang3gong1 Party worker
More Key Terms
总统 總統 zong3tong3 president (of a country) 副总统 副總統 fu4zong3tong3 vice-president 立法委员 立法委員 li4fa3wei3yuan2 legislator 媒体 媒體 mei2ti3 (news) media; medium 政党 政黨 zheng4dang3 political party 名嘴 名嘴 ming2zui3 a famous TV show host or hostess 幕僚 幕僚 mu4liao2 aides and staff (i.e. in a business) 选民 選民 xuan3min2 voter; electorate; constituency 支持者 支持者 zhi1chi2zhe3 supporter 政治 政治 zheng4zhi4 politics 政论 政論 zheng4lun4 political commentary 节目 節目 jie2mu4 program; item (on a program) 辅选 輔選 fu3xuan3 supporting a candidate in an election 恳请赐票 懇請賜票 keng3qing3ci4piao4 earnestly request your vote; grant me your vote 阵营 陣營 zhen4ying2 group of people; camp; faction; sides in a dispute 政敌 政敵 zheng4di2 political opponent 立场 立場 li4chang3 position; stand; stance 扫街 掃街 sao3jie1 to sweep the streets; to canvas (for votes, sales etc) 分析 分析 fen1xi1 analyze; analysis
Taiwan Specific Terms
母鸡 母雞 mu3ji1 hen (Presidential Candidate) 小鸡 小雞 xiao3ji1 chick (VP) 冻蒜 凍蒜 dong4suan4 frozen garlic; to be elected (Taiwanese slang) 国民党 國民黨 Guo2min2dang3 Kuomintang (KMT); Chinese Nationalist Party 民进党 民進黨 min2jin4dang3 DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan) 民众党 民眾黨 min2zhong4dang3 People’s Part; popular party; TPP 空战 空戰 kong1zhan4 Air warfare (Online political activities) 陆战 陸戰 lu4zhan4 ground combat; ground warfare (In-person political activities