Iona’s Chinese Book Recommendations from 2023

In Chinese by Skritter

My Goal to Read 1 book a week in 2023

Hi everyone, It’s Iona, the designer at Skritter. Working at a company where everyone is not just passionate about learning languages, but learning in general inspired me to set an ambitious New Year’s resolution in 2023. I decided that this would be the year I would tackle my large backlog of books. I’m happy to report that I’m only a few books away from my goal of reading one book a week!

嗨,大家好!我是 Skritter 的設計師 Iona。身在一個主管、同事都非常熱愛學習的公司上班,今年年初我看著買了許久但都沒有閱讀的一堆書,決定要給自己一個 2023 的挑戰,也就是一週讀一本中文書。現在也到年末了,我


How I Achieved My Goal

I created a template that allowed me to fill in a book title a week and stuck it to my bedroom door so that I would see it each day. As Song dynasty poet Ouyang Xiu once said, one can read “on horseback, on the pillow, and on the toilet”. I applied this philosophy and found bits of time throughout the day to read – on the subway, while having dinner, when I was on the toilet…etc. My favorite time was reading just before bed!


My Favorite way to read Chinese books – the Readmoo: MooInk S (Not affiliated)

You might be wondering what I read on. As a “native” netizen (網路原住民), I’m a big reader of digital books. I have a Kindle, Readmoo, Kobo and I’ve used several reading apps. My favorite though, is the Readmoo, and here’s why:

你可能會好奇我是用什麼媒介閱讀。身為一個網路原住民,我用電子閱讀器閱讀。我擁有 Kindle, Readmoo, Kobo 三種閱讀器,也使用過不同平台的電子書App。要我推薦的話,我會推薦Readmoo 給繁中閱讀者,有以下幾個原因讓我對讀墨愛不釋手:

  • They were the first to invest in traditional Chinese ebooks in Taiwan and have the largest library of e-books.
  • It is the only e-reader that supports horizontal AND vertical reading modes. This is a game-changer for me to have this flexibility.
  • Every month they host challenges to encourage reading amongst their users. My highest record has been 10 books in a month!
  • Highlights are exportable and reading stats are great.
  • As they are focused on digital books, it’s a seamless experience between their e-reader, app, and web version.
  • Family sharing is supported. Two adult and two child accounts. You can then “borrow” books from each other.
  • 是最早開始投入繁中電子書市場的台灣公司,書量大
  • 唯一能夠直式、橫式切換閱讀模式的繁中閱讀器。 (對我來說,這件事非常重要,中文書預設直式閱讀,而我習慣橫式。)
  • 每個月都有激勵閱讀的閱讀馬拉松活動,因為它我曾經一個月讀十幾本書。
  • 閱讀畫線非常好輸出成電子檔,方便做筆記。各式閱讀紀錄也都做得很好。
  • 因為只賣電子書,他們的閱讀器、手機App、網頁版的串連使用者體驗非常好
  • 家庭帳號功能,支援兩個成人帳號與兩個兒童帳號,可以互相借書。

Book Recommendation 1

Book Recommendation 2

Link to Book

Book Recommendation 3 Readmoo

Book Recommendation 4

Book Link

Book Recommendation 5

Book Link

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