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This series of posts covers Japanese songs, along with their lyrics, and translations so you can make sure you learn every word.
For this one, let’s do the original Pokemon theme song!
Get those pokemon!
たとえ 火の中 水の中
For example, in a fire, in the water,
草の中 森の中
In the grass, in the forest,
土の中 雲の中
In the ground, in the clouds
あの子のスカートの中 (キャ~!)
In that kid’s skirt (Aghh!)
なかなか なかなか
(Not) easily, (not) easily
なかなか なかなか 大変だけど
(Not) easily, (not) easily, it’s tough, but-
I’ll definitely get them
Get those pokemon!
マサラタウンに さよならバイバイ
Bye-bye to Pallet Town (Masara Town)
俺はこいつと 旅に出る
I’m going on a trip with them
きたえたワザで 勝ちまくり
With disciplined skill I’ll keep winning
仲間を増やして 次の町へ
Increase friends and move to the next town
いつもいつでも うまくゆくなんて
Always, whenever, for things to go well
保証はどこにも ないけど
There’s no guarantee anywhere, but…
(That’s right!)
いつでもいつも 本気で生きてる
Whenever, always, live seriously
They are there!
ああ 憧れのポケモンマスターに
Ah, the pokemon master I yearn (to be)
なりたいな ならなくちゃ
I want to become! I must become.
I’ll absolutely become.
Word List:
ポケモン | Pokemon (short for Pocket Monster) | |
GET | ゲット | Get |
~ぜ | Sentence ending (manually masculine) which adds force or indicates command | |
たとえ | Example; even if | |
火 | ひ | Fire |
中 | なか | Middle; inside; within |
水 | みず | Water |
草 | くさ | Grass |
雲 | くも | Cloud |
あの | That | |
子 | こ | Kid; child |
スカート | Skirt | |
なかなか | (Not) easily; quite; rather | |
大変 | たいへん | difficult; hard; very |
~けど | But | |
必ず | かならず | Absolutely; without fail |
マラサタウン | Pallet Town (in Japanese the town name is Marasa Town) | |
さよなら | Good bye | |
バイバイ | Bye bye | |
俺 | おれ | I / me (mostly masculine and confident / arrogant sounding) |
こいつ | This fellow; this guy | |
旅に出る | たびにでる | To go on a trip |
ぴかちゅう | Pikachu | |
鍛える | きたえる | to train; to discipline; to forge |
技 | わざ | Technique / art |
勝ち | かち | Win; victory |
~まくる | Verb suffix to indicate reckless abandon to the activity | |
仲間 | なかま | fellow; colleague; circle of friends |
増やす | ふやす | To increase; to add to |
次 | つぎ | Next |
町 | まち | Town |
いつも | Always | |
いつでも | Whenever | |
うまく | Skillfully; well | |
ゆく | To go; to proceed | |
なんて | (An exclamation); things like; such as | |
保障 | ほしょう | Guarantee |
どこにも | Whereever | |
そりゃ | That is (contraction of それは) | |
そうだ | That’s right | |
本気 | ほんき | Seriousness |
生きる | いきる | To live |
ああ | Ah; oh | |
憧れる | あこがれる | To yearn for; to admire |
ポケモンマスター | Pokemon master | |
なりたい | Want to become | |
ならなくちゃ | If I don’t become (i.e. “I must become”– a contraction of ならなければなりません) | |
ぜったい | Absolutely | |
やる | To do (rougher than する) |