Cartoon Character Challenge #12

In Chinese, Japanese by Skritter

Chinese and Japanese learners unite. This character challenge works for both languages!

Below is an image of a scene, like a cartoon, however it’s made up using Chinese characters instead of drawings. The goal is to look at the image and figure out what is being shown (by using the meaning and placement). The pronunciation of the character can be ignored, which is why this challenge works for both Chinese and Japanese.

If you haven’t seen previous character challenges, you can check them out here.

What is being depicted below?

Click here to reveal the answer!
Answer: Three wolves howling at the moon

狼 = Wolf
吠 = Howl
月 = Moon
星 = Star

The name 狼 (おおかみ / ookami) or wolf, is derived from Old Japanese, meaning “great-spirit”.

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