Take the Skritter Survey, Chat, Practice Nav

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoOur basic tactic for improving Skritter can neatly be described as follows: listen to your problems and solve them. In the spirit of this method, we’ve created a short survey we would really like you to complete. We ask lots of polls, but because of the multiple choice short-hand format, we can’t ask some of the questions we’ve been really dying to have answered. For instance, the poll widget doesn’t really allow us to ask you what you think the most frustrating part of Skritter is or what your first impressions of the site were. So, if you have 5 minutes, we would really appreciate your feedback. All you have to do is click here to check it out.

In other news, apart from fixing a ton of bugs, Nick has re-enabled the chat function and made it so you can toggle it on or off. You may remember that we tried a chat system a while back, and because of some bugs, people didn’t like it that much, which is why it now defaults to off. However, now if we’re online and you have a problem, need to ask a question, or have a suggestion and can’t wait for email, just click on the “chat” link on the footer and give us a piece of your mind! We’ve been having fun chatting with new and existing users, so feel free to use the chat system and get in contact any time.

The other cool thing that’s happened over the last week is that we’ve updated the appearance of the practice nav. When we first put it up, it looked sort of like the wrong end of a horse, but it’s slowly improving. We’re not done with it yet; we have yet to add two small features, but it’s getting very close now.

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