Newsletter, T-Shirt Winners, Forum Emails

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThe Skritter January Newsletter has just gone out! If you aren’t subscribed and want to be, or vice versa, you can change your email settings. We’ll be emailing the 43 T-shirt winners tomorrow. (43!)

The other night, I built a feature that has been waiting a while: watched forum topics. You can now click on the little envelope at the top right of a forum topic and get emailed whenever someone replies. The current icon is extremely great because icon-man George was sleeping when I built this. Perhaps now he will notice and replace it with something a bit bigger and more modern.

Another long overdue feature: if the word you’re adding to the Skritter database is made up of characters which usually only have one pronunciation, then the pinyin for that word will be autofilled in the add-word widget. Sorry this took so long!

I’ve also tweaked the tone and grade buttons to make them more glassy, so that if a character pokes under them, you can still see it. Looks pretty cool to me, but there is disagreement in the base, so your thoughts are invited.

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