JLPT 2,3 and 4 Are Up

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoI’ve just uploaded a new set of vocabulary to study: the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Lists! These are the Japanese version of the HSK lists, except the numbers are reversed (4, most basic, 1, most difficult). I’ve got the JLPT 1 list, but there are still some things to hammer out with it, so I’ll save that for later, but it will come.

The lists have been ordered with the same algorithm created by Nick for sorting the HSK lists, which sorts based on frequency of usage and on their placement in textbooks. There are a few things I’ll want to tweak with the sorting algorithm next time, when the next set of tests come out. They’re reorganizing them into five levels instead of four, and we’ll aim to have these new lists up on our site soon after they are finished, with upgraded sorting.

And finally, thanks to Michael Hominick at renshuu.org for providing these lists! We agreed to trade some of our lists so he has some more textbooks and I have these proficiency lists to save both of us some work. He also provided me with Kanji Kentei lists, which I will get to as soon as time allows! For now though, there are many pressing upgrades and features that need to get done, so I’m leaving some of this list making for later on. Never nothing to do here at Skritter headquarters, that’s for sure.

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