Japanese: Nakama 1 and 2

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoJust finished and uploaded two more Japanese textbooks: Nakama 1 and 2. Even if you’re not using these textbooks, you might find these lists useful, particularly in the second book. For example, the vocabulary in the second chapter has a lot of words on travel, and the third chapter consists mostly of food and kitchen terms. Remember, though, you won’t be able to add a lot of this vocabulary to your studies unless you have it add Kanji for all words (in language settings under the account page), or until we add reading and definition practice.

Next to work on in no particular order: Yookoso!, Minna No Nihongo, Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced, and the JLPT lists.

By the way, as I’ve been building these lists, I’ve been tweaking the way words are parsed. Adding words from Japanese lists should be a lot smoother now since I’ve made all these changes. I’ve got some ideas on how to make the list editing process much smoother and easier, though, so it will only get better! Lists are going to be becoming more and more important, so it’s vital for editing them to be as fluid and intuitive as possible. So many plans, so little time…

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