Help Overlays

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoI just uploaded a new help system we’re going to try; an overlay system. In pages that have it set up, there’s a blue help button in the upper right corner of the page (except on the practice page, where it’s on the bottom right). Click it and parts of the page will highlight. Hover over those parts to read about them, and click anywhere to close the overlay.

We’re not sure if we’re going to keep this, so it’s not fully fleshed out; it’s more of an outline of what we’re thinking it will look like. For now we’d like you to give it a try and let us know if this is something you find helpful. We figured for learning about specific parts of the site, it would be easier to have informative text on the page itself, rather than nested deep in a user’s guide where it’s detached from the material it’s referring to. If you guys like it, we’ll expand on the text and put overlays throughout the site. If you don’t… well we’ll think of something else to try!

Assuming the overlay is kept or something similar is made, the userguide will be trimmed down and reoriented to providing overviews, rather than specific details which the overlays will handle. Things like how managing your vocab works or how to get the most out of practicing or how Skritter can be used effectively as a teaching tool.

This is just one more experiment to try and make Skritter easier to use. Let us know if it helps!

Talk about this post on our forum!