New Vocab List Page Design

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoHey everyone, we just uploaded a new system for controlling your vocabulary lists. If you’re having trouble seeing it, try clearing your browser’s cache. There are no new features in this new design, but we’re right now trying to get our site in general more intuitive to use and make it easier for new users to get going on their studies. There are a handful of things in the works towards this goal, but the vocabulary list page has been one of the most commented on areas of our site in terms of weak usability. Go have a look, let us know what you think of the new visuals.

Also, if there are other parts of the site you find counter intuitive or took a little while to figure out, let us know. Right now the major things we’re working on:

A User Guide: detailed info for the whole site, all features
A Quick Start Guide: a quick run through of how to get going along with some advice on how to get the most out of Skritter, so new users can do so quickly.
More guided Try It page: This, one of our newest additions to the site, isn’t yet doing what it’s supposed to do, so we’ll be retooling it to be a more guided walk through of a typical Skritter day.

These are what we’re focusing on. What other areas of the site could really use some work from a usability standpoint?

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