More lists soon

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoI’ve been collecting more textbook lists and am working on processing them, disambiguating their variant characters, adding missing words, and getting them online. In the next week or so, I’ll be uploading all of those, as well as all the characters that have been requested so far.

So if you have a textbook list that you’d like to see on Skritter but haven’t sent me yet, plop it over my way and I’ll include it.

I’ve fixed a lot of bugs this week, although many persist. A new User’s Guide is emerging from George’s brain. Scott’s working on a cool new feature. And you guys are learning a lot of characters! Several of you have spent more than a hundred hours on Skritter, and many have learned more than 1700 characters. Intense. We will continue to make it more and more efficient until the characters flow into your heads faster than a striking viper.

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