Some New Faces

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoYou may have noticed your avatar looks a bit different. We got tired of the old default avatar and have replaced it with 18 shiny new ones. Thanks to George for collecting them for us. If you want to use them, or you’re upset because you’re now a giant teddy bear picking up trees, you can switch on the preferences page.

In other news! We’ve added tone buttons. You can now either a) draw the tone, b) type the tone or c) press the tone; a major triad of tonal choices!

Some of the new scheduling caused some crazy amount of buildup of useritems for people. This has since been fixed but if you still have useritems in the upper 3 digits or higher, you may want to go to the vocabulary options page and use the save me button. It will spread all your due items over the next however many days you want.

We’ve fixed a couple other show stopping problems. Looks like China is once again letting appspot through so everyone can enjoy the secure login page once more. We’ve also been brutally destroying what remains of the bugs still causing people trouble. I’ll be working on a system which should catch the last of the corrupt datas haunting users, which should fix most of the remaining problems. We’re currently working towards making this thing stable enough to be worth paying for so with any luck the site will from here on out only get less likely to catch on fire.

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