More China firewalling

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoPreliminary reports indicate that the Great Firewall has just taken things a step further and blocked as well (all Google App Engine hosting) instead of just (external App Engine domain). We’d set up our reverse proxy to get around the initial block on the external hosting, but now we’re a bit out of luck, because the one thing we can’t reverse proxy is the page we use for secure authentication when you put in your password.

Please help by logging into a Google account and starring this issue. By pressing the star next to the issue, it’ll raise Google’s priority for doing something about it (and also email you when there’s an update). With enough stars, they’ll fix it sooner. If you’ve got friends with Google accounts, please ask them to do the same. This affects access to all App Engine hosted apps from China.

We’re reworking some parts of our site so that everything except the authenticated password login page will load. You’ll still be able to log in using Clickpass, but not using a secure password. We’ll also make a page where China users can log in using an unsecure password (where people could theoretically intercept your password unencrypted on its way from you to our site). If you care about security, you should set up log in via Clickpass on the account page — either do this before your session expires or use a Recovery Password to get in.

I’ll post a comment when we’ve got those things working again.

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