Blood Type: 血液型 (けつえきがた)

In Uncategorized by Skritter

While for most westerners it’s not uncommon to have no idea what their own blood type is, in Japan almost everyone knows theirs. Japanese Wikipedia includes blood type when listing information on celebrities, as well …

Using Time Tracking With Language Studies

In Uncategorized by Skritter

There is something truly wonderful about being able to track stats and progress during the language learning process. In fact, this was one of the things that originally drew me to studying online with Skritter …

Matsuri: Japanese Festivals

In Japanese by Skritter

When reading Japanese stories or watching T.V. shows (or living in Japan!) I’m sure you have noticed that there seems to be a lot of festivals (祭り(まつり)) that take place in various prefectures. The reason …

The Legend of Meng Tian

In Uncategorized by Skritter

Legend claims that while Meng Tian (A general from the Qin era ~210 BC) was garrisoned in the northern boarder regions of the great Qin empire, he took great issue with his inability to send …

Skritter Guys On The Road

In Uncategorized by Skritter

I’m getting married in a week, so George, Scott, and I will be out of touch starting tomorrow as we head for the mountains for some bachelor hiking. Jeremy, Evan, and Jake will be here …

梅雨: Rainy Season in Japan

In Japanese by Skritter

Rainy season began this month for most of Japan, known as 梅雨 or “tsuyu”. The two kanji selected to make this word should give a visual: the first character meaning “plum” usually pronounced “うめ”, (I …

Culture Corner: 世间无难事,只要有心人

In Uncategorized by Skritter

Learning is a lifelong process of discovery, exploration, and ever expanding knowledge. Learning something new oftentimes has more to do with one’s attitude and determination than one’s inherent ability… although a little of that never …