Skritter Guys On The Road

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoI’m getting married in a week, so George, Scott, and I will be out of touch starting tomorrow as we head for the mountains for some bachelor hiking. Jeremy, Evan, and Jake will be here running the castle as always.

After my wedding, I fly to 上海 (Shànghǎi) to see all of my bride Chloe’s family, and then we’re going to be in 阳朔, 桂林 (Yángshuò, Guìlín), from June 30 to July 6. If any Skritterers are around there, let’s meet up! This means I’ll be out of touch until mid-July–and George is busy moving around the same time. Scott will be back in the base in late June, though.

A small-but-much-wanted feature is going live tomorrow, so check your inboxes then for the monthly newsletter with the details. I’ve also sent out the Skritter iOS app build with the example sentences to the App Store for review, so with any luck, you’ll see that update in the next couple weeks.

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