In this 2-part video deck, you’ll learn some ways to compliment family and friends. In the second part, you’ll learn ways to tactfully deflect tricky questions. This lesson is perfect for the holiday season where you might want to inject some positivity into family gatherings or answer questions from your elders in a smart way.
Part 1: Giving Compliments in Chinese
Thanking your host:
- 谢谢你邀请我们来聚餐!
- 謝謝你邀請我們來聚餐!
- xièxie nǐ yāoqǐng wǒmen lái jùcān!
- Thank you for inviting us to this gathering
- 每次来你们家过 [Insert holiday] 都觉得很开心。
- 每次來你們家過 [insert holiday] 都覺得很開心。
- měicì lái nǐmen jiā guò [Insert holiday] dōu juéde hěn kāixīn。
- Every time we come to your house for [Insert holiday], we feel so happy.
- 真的很感谢你花了这么多时间准备这些!让过节很有气氛!
- 真的很感謝你花了這麼多時間準備這些!讓過節很有氣氛!
- zhēnde hěn gǎnxiè nǐ huā le zhème duō shíjiān zhǔnbèi zhè xiē!ràng guòjié hěn yǒu qìfēn!
- (We’re) really thank you for spending so much time preparing everything! It makes the holiday feel so festive!
Complimenting the food:
- 今天【谁】煮的菜真的好好吃!
- 今天【誰】煮的菜真的好好吃!
- jīntiān [person] zhǔ de cài zhēnde hǎo hǎo chī!
- The food [someone] cooked today is really delicious!
- 你如果去开餐厅一定会赚大钱。
- 你如果去開餐廳一定會賺大錢。
- nǐ rúguǒ qù kāi cāntīng yīdìng huì zhuàn dà qián。
- If you opened a restaurant, you’d definitely make a killing!
- 哇!这道菜只有在书上/网络上看过!你有特别学怎么做吗?
- 哇!這道菜只有在書上/網路上看過!你有特別學怎麼做嗎?
- Wa! Zhè dào cài zhǐyǒu zài shū shàng/wǎngluò shàng kànguò! Nǐ yǒu tèbié xué zěnme zuò ma?
- Wow! I’ve only seen this dish in books/online! Did you especially learn how to make it?

Complimenting Appearance:
- 你的新发型很适合你耶!
- 你的新髮型很適合你耶!
- nǐ de xīnfàxíng hěn shìhé nǐ yē!
- Your new hairstyle really suits you!
- 你今天气色看起来太好了吧!
- 你今天氣色看起來太好了吧!
- nǐ jīntiān qìsè kànqǐlai tài hǎo le ba!
- You look so radiant today!
- 你今天的穿得好好看!这件裙子很适合你。
- 你今天的穿得好好看!這件裙子很適合你。
- nǐ jīntiān de chuān de hǎo hǎo kàn!zhè jiàn qúnzi hěn shìhé nǐ。
- You’re dressed so nicely today! This dress really suits you.
Commenting on a life event:
- 听说你今年【换工作/买房子】,真的替你开心。
- 聽說你今年【換工作/買房子】,真的替你開心。
- tīngshuō nǐ jīnnián [huàn gōngzuò/mǎi fángzi],zhēnde tì nǐ kāixīn。
- I heard you [changed jobs/bought a house] this year, I’m really happy for you!
- 我听 Iona 说你今年 [换工作],真替你开心。
- 我聽 Iona 說你今年 [換工作],真替你開心。
- Wǒ tīng Iona shuō nǐ jīnnián [huàn gōngzuò], zhēn tì nǐ kāixīn.
- I heard Iona saying you [changed jobs] this year, I’m really happy for you!
- 听说你今年有继续在【健身/跑步/学跳舞】,真的好厉害!
- 聽說你今年有繼續在【健身/跑步/學跳舞】,真的好厲害!
- tīngshuō nǐ jīnnián yǒu jìxù zài [jiànshēn/pǎobù/xué tiàowǔ],zhēnde hǎo lìhài!
- I heard you’ve continued [working out/running/learning to dance] this year, that’s really impressive!
When Life gives you lemons…
- 虽然听说你今年【有些伤心事】、但是一定会越来越好的!
- 雖然聽說你今年【有些傷心事】、但是一定會越來越好的!
- suīrán tīng shuō nǐ jīnnián [yǒuxiē shāngxīn shì], dànshì yīdìng huì yuè lái yuè hǎo de!
- Although I heard you had [some sad things] happen this year, you’re very strong! Things will get better and better!
Part 2: Answering Tricky Questions
Typical Question 1
- 好久不见,你还记得我吗?
- 好久不見,你還記得我嗎?
- Hǎojiǔ bújiàn, nǐ hái jìde wǒ ma?
- Long time no see, do you still remember me?
- 哇,记性也太好了吧!身体最近都还好吗?我看你气色很好耶
- 哇,你記性也太好了吧!身體最近都還好嗎?我看你氣色很好耶
- Wa, nǐ jìxìng yě tài hǎole ba! Shēntǐ zuìjìn dōu háihǎo ma? Wǒ kàn nǐ qìsè hěn hǎo ye
- Wow, you have a great memory too! How is your health lately? I see you look very good
Typical Question 2
- 考得怎么样了?有学校了吗?
- 考得怎麼樣了?有學校了嗎?
- Kǎo de zěnmeyàng le? Yǒu xuéxiàole ma?
- How did you do on the exam? Have you gotten into a school yet?
- 还不错,但还不知道,等有消息再跟大家分享。
- 還不錯,但還不知道,等有消息再跟大家分享。
- Hái búcuò, dàn hái bù zhīdào, děng yǒu xiāoxī zài gēn dàjiā fēnxiǎng.
- Not bad, but I don’t know yet. I’ll share it with you when I have news.

Typical Question 3
- 现在在做什么工作啊?薪水多少?有奖金吗?
- 現在在做什麼工作啊?薪水多少?有獎金嗎?
- Xiànzài zài zuò shénme gōngzuò a? Xīnshuǐ duōshǎo? Yǒu jiǎngjīn ma?
- What kind of job are you doing now? How much is your salary? Are there any bonuses?
- 我在做电脑相关的工作,薪水还算够用啦!
- 我在做電腦相關的工作,薪水還算夠用啦!
- Wǒ zài zuò diànnǎo xiāngguān de gōngzuò, xīnshuǐ hái suàn gòu yòng la!
- I’m doing computer-related work and the salary is more than enough!
- 对了,叔叔,听说你女儿今年带你去日本玩喔,玩得开心吗?
- 對了,叔叔,聽說你女兒今年帶你去日本玩喔,玩得開心嗎?
- Duìle, shūshu, tīng shuō nǐ nǚ’ér jīnnián dài nǐ qù rìběn wán ō, wán dé kāixīn ma?
- By the way, uncle, I heard that your daughter took you to Japan this year. Did you have fun?
Typical Question 4
- 有沒有男/女朋友?要不要幫你介紹男/女朋友?
- 有沒有男/女朋友?要不要幫你介紹男/女朋友?
- Yǒu méiyǒu nán/nǚ péngyou? Yào búyào bāng nǐ jièshào nán/nǚ péngyou
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you want me to introduce you to a boy/girlfriend?
- 有啊,有个男/女朋友,他对我很好,相处得蛮开心的。
- 有啊,有個男/女朋友,他對我很好,相處得蠻開心的。
- Yǒu a, yǒu ge nán/nǚ péngyou, tā duì wǒ hěn hǎo, xiāngchǔ de mán kāixīn de.
- Yes, I have a boy/girlfriend. They are very nice to me and we are very happy together.
- 看看接下來相處得如何再跟阿姨分享。
- 看看接下來相處得如何再跟阿姨分享。
- Kàn kàn jiē xiàlái xiāngchǔ de rúhé zài gēn āyi fēnxiǎng.
- Let’s see how we get along. I’ll be sure to share an update with you (auntie)!
- 没有,最近工作太忙了,等这阵子忙完再说。
- 沒有,最近工作太忙了,等這陣子忙完再說。
- Méiyǒu, zuìjìn gōngzuò tài mángle, děng zhè zhènzǐ mángwán zàishuō.
- No, I’ve been too busy with work recently. I’ll let you know after this busy period is over.
Typical Question 5
- 什么时候要结婚?生小孩?
- 什麼時候要結婚?生小孩?
- Shénme shíhòu yào jiéhūn? Shēng xiǎohái?
- When are you going to get married? Have kids?
- 目前有在考虑,应该快了!
- 目前有在考慮,應該快了!
- Mùqián yǒu zài kǎolǜ, yīnggāi kuàile!
- We’re currently considering it, it should be anytime soon!
- 目前还没有计划,有打算的话一定会跟舅舅分享。
- 目前還沒有計劃,有打算的話一定會跟舅舅分享。
- Mùqián hái méiyǒu jìhuà, yǒu dǎsuàn de huà yídìng huì gēn jiùjiu fēnxiǎng.
- I don’t have any plans yet, but if I do, I will definitely share them with you, uncle.
Typical Question 6
Biàn pàngle ō?
Have you gained weight?
- 对啊,哈哈哈,生活开心所以就吃得多,这是幸福肥啦!
- 對啊,哈哈哈,生活開心所以就吃得多,這是幸福肥啦!
- Duì a, hāhāhā, shēnghuó kāixīn suǒyǐ jiù chī de duō, zhè shì xìngfúféi la!
- Yes, hahaha, life is happy so I eat more, this is happy weight!
- 我好羨慕姑姑你都不會胖,你是怎麼保養的,有在運動嗎?
- 我好羨慕姑姑你都不會胖,你是怎麼保養的,有在運動嗎?
- Wǒ hǎo xiànmù gūgū nǐ dōu búhuì pàng, nǐ shì zěnme bǎoyǎng de, yǒu zài yùndòng ma?
- I’m so jealous of you, auntie because you never get fat. How do you keep yourself looking so good? Do you exercise?
Diffusing Awkward Tension
- 好了好了,过年过节我们轻松一点,大家休息一下,来吃水果吧!
- 好了好了,過年過節我們輕鬆一點,大家休息一下,來吃水果吧!
- Hǎole hǎole, guònián guòjié wǒmen qīngsōng yìdiǎn, dàjiā xiūxi yíxià, lái chī shuǐguǒ ba!
- Okay, okay, let’s relax during the New Year and holidays. Let’s take a break and eat some fruit!
Giving Compliments Key Words
simp writing | trad writing | reading | definition |
好吃 | 好吃 | hao3chi1 | tasty; tastes good |
发型 | 髮型 | fa4xing2 | hairstyle |
气色 | 氣色 | qi4se4 | complexion |
适合 | 適合 | shi4he2 | to suit; to fit |
听说 | 聽說 | ting1shuo1 | to hear of |
厉害 | 厲害 | li4hai5 | terrible; formidable; fierce; cool; awesome |
越来越好 | 越來越好 | yue4lai2yue4hao3 | better and better |
特别 | 特別 | te4bie2 | special; especially; particular |
帅 | 帥 | shuai4 | handsome; graceful; commander-in-chief |
漂亮 | 漂亮 | piao4liang5 | pretty; beautiful |
努力 | 努力 | nu3li4 | work hard; strive |
聪明 | 聰明 | cong1ming5 | intelligent; clever; bright; smart |
热心 | 熱心 | re4xin1 | enthusiastic; zealous; warmhearted |
棒 | 棒 | bang4 | stick; club; good; excellent |
Answering Tricky Questions Key Words
simp writing | trad writing | reading | definition |
称赞 | 稱贊 | cheng1zan4 | to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to compliment |
长辈 | 長輩 | zhang3bei4 | an elder; an elder generation |
分享 | 分享 | fen1xiang3 | to share in; (web) to share (a link); to share (let others have some of sth good) |
炫耀 | 炫耀 | xuan4yao4 | to show off; flaunt |
转移焦点 | 轉移焦點 | zhuan3yi2jiao1dian3 | transfer focus (get distracted) |
幸福肥 | 幸福肥 | xing4fu2fei2 | Happy fat (due to a relationship) |
羡慕 | 羨慕 | xian4mu4 | to envy; admire |
保养 | 保養 | bao3yang3 | take good care of (or conserve) one’s health; keep in good repair |
尴尬 | 尷尬 | gan1ga4 | awkward; embarrassed |
变胖 | 變胖 | bian4pang4 | gain weight |
变瘦 | 變瘦 | bian4shou4 | to get thin |
薪水 | 薪水 | xin1shui3 | salary; wage; pay; stipend |
奖金 | 獎金 | jiang3jin1 | bonus; award money; incentive payment |
结婚 | 結婚 | jie2hun1 | get married |
生小孩 | 生小孩 | sheng1xiao3hai2 | to give birth |