Daily Routine in Mandarin Chinese

In Chinese by Skritter

In this video, Iona takes us through her typical daily routine. You’ll learn lots of useful beginner-friendly terms for your morning, afternoon, and nighttime routines. Study all the terms on the Skritter app – the best flashcard app for learning to read and write Chinese & Japanese.

Morning Routines

起床起床qi3chuang2get up; get out of bed
刷牙刷牙shua1ya2brush one’s teeth
上厕所上廁所shang4ce4suo3use the toilet
洗脸洗臉xi3 lian3wash one’s face
chi1to eat
he1, he4to drink;shout loudly
上课上課shang4ke4attend class; give a lesson; go to class
上班上班shang4ban1go to work; be on duty; start work; go to the office
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Afternoon Routines

午休午休wu3xiu1to take a nap at noon; midday rest
睡午觉睡午覺shui4 wu3 jiao4have a siesta; take a nap
工作工作gong1zuo4work; a job
学习學習xue2xi2to learn; to study
开会開會kai1 hui4have a meeting; be at a meeting
下班下班xia4 ban1get off work; finish work
放学放學fang4xue2dismiss from school; after school
回家回家hui2jia1return home

Evening Routines

做饭做飯zuo4 fan4to cook
晚饭晚飯wan3fan4dinner; supper
功课功課gong1ke4homework; schoolwork
看电视看電視kan4dian4shi4to watch television
看书看書kan4 shu1to read books; to read
运动運動yun4dong4(physical) to exercise; movements; sports; campaign
睡觉睡覺shui4jiao4to sleep; to go to bed
洗澡洗澡xi3zao3take a bath or shower
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