The “3 Body Problem” is a highly anticipated Netflix series based on Liu Cixin’s award-winning sci-fi novel. It explores humanity’s first contact with an alien civilization from the planet Trisolaris.
Watch as Fiona and Iona discuss the show, and introduce some Chinese terms to learn. Learn even more by downloading the Skritter app and studying the deck.
Key Terms:
Simplified | Traditional | Pinyin | Definition |
三体 | 三體 | san1ti3 | trisomy (biology); trisolarans -3 Body Problem (sci-fi) |
问题 | 問題 | wen4ti2 | question; problem; issue |
科幻 | 科幻 | ke1huan4 | science fiction |
奇幻 | 奇幻 | qi2huan4 | fantastic; fantasy (fiction); magical; visionary |
迷 | 迷 | mi2 | be lost; bewilder; crazy about; fanatic; fan; to charm |
外星人 | 外星人 | wai4xing1ren2 | extra-terrestrial; space alien |
文明 | 文明 | wen2ming2 | civilization; civilized; culture |
宇宙 | 宇宙 | yu3zhou4 | universe; cosmos |
科技 | 科技 | ke1ji4 | science and technology |

General Terms:
simp writing | trad writing | reading | definition |
小说 | 小說 | xiao3shuo1 | novel; fiction |
有声书 | 有聲書 | you3sheng1shu1 | audiobook |
电子书 | 電子書 | dian4zi3shu1 | e-book; electronic book |
电视剧 | 電視劇 | dian4shi4ju4 | TV drama; soap opera |
剧透 | 劇透 | ju4tou4 | plot leak; spoiler |
冷知识 | 冷知識 | leng3zhi1shi5 | trivia |
台词 | 臺詞 | tai2ci2 | stage lines |
剧情 | 劇情 | ju4qing2 | the story (or plot) of a play or opera |
导演 | 導演 | dao3yan3 | to direct; director |
集 | 集 | ji2 | gather; collect; volume; episode |
分析 | 分析 | fen1xi1 | analyze; analysis |

Example Sentences:
S: 我爱你,与你有何相干?毁灭你,又与你有何相干?
T: 我愛你,與你有何相干?毀滅你,又與你有何相干?
PY: Wǒ ài nǐ, yǔ nǐ yǒu hé xiānggān? Huǐmiè nǐ, yòu yǔ nǐ yǒu hé xiānggān?
EN: “I love you, what does it have to do with you? Destroying you, what does it have to do with you?”
S: 干你屁事?
T: 乾你屁事?
PY: gàn nǐ pì shì?
EN: What the hell has it got to do with you; mind your own business.

S: 是的,整个人类历史也是偶然,从石器时代到今天,都没什么重大变故,真幸运。但既然是幸运,总有结束的一天;现在我告诉你,结束了,做好思想准备吧。
T: 是的,整個人類歷史也是偶然,從石器時代到今天,都沒什麼重大變故,真幸運。但既然是幸運,總有結束的一天;現在我告訴你,結束了,做好思想準備吧。
PY: shì de, zhěnggè rénlèi lìshǐ yě shì ǒurán, cóng shíqì shídài dào jīntiān, dōu méiyǒu shénme zhòngdà biàngù, zhēn xìngyùn. Dàn jìrán shì xìngyùn, zǒng yǒu jiéshù de yītiān; xiànzài wǒ gàosu nǐ, jiéshùle, zuò hǎo sīxiǎng zhǔnbèi ba.
EN: Yes, the entire human history is also accidental, from the Stone Age to today, there have been no major disruptions, truly lucky. But since it’s lucky, there will always be an end; now I’m telling you, it’s over, get ready mentally.
S: 你认为是自己的错误毁灭了太阳系,那是很可笑的,这样想实在是太自命不凡了,就像你在地面上做一个倒立,就认为自己举起了地球一样。
T: 你認為是自己的錯誤毀滅了太陽系,那是很可笑的,這樣想實在是太自命不凡了,就像你在地面上做一個倒立,就認為自己舉起了地球一樣。
PY: Nǐ rènwéi shì zìjǐ de cuòwù huǐmièle tàiyángxì nà shì hěn kěxiào de, zhèyàng xiǎng shízài shì tài zìmìng bùfán le, jiù xiàng nǐ zài dìmiàn shàng zuò yīgè dàolìng, jiù rènwéi zìjǐ jǔ qǐle dìqiú yīyàng.
EN: It is ridiculous to think that one’s own mistakes would destroy the solar system; this kind of thinking is really arrogant, like doing a handstand on the ground and thinking you’re holding up the earth.
S: 你真的以为你自己自命不凡啊!
T: 你真的以為你自己自命不凡啊!
PY: Nǐ zhēn de yǐwéi nǐ zìjǐ zìmìng bùfán a!
EN: You really think you’re something special, don’t you.
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