Making Tangyuan for the Winter Solstice

In Chinese by Gwilym James

The Winter Solstice


Have you heard of the Dongzhi Festival? It is also known as the Winter Solstice in Taiwan – the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Traditionally, Dongzhi was also a celebration of the new year. Today, even though it is not an official day off, Dongzhi is still regarded as an important festival in Taiwan. This year (2021) it falls on 21st December.


Dōng (winter) zhì (arrive), literally means ‘the arrival of winter’. As the temperature drops, it is also a time for families to get together and feast upon tāngyuán (汤圆/湯圓, glutinous rice balls) that symbolizes ‘reunion’. People also drink broths cooked with chicken, pork, beef, or mutton, and pray to ancestors for good health and for the family to be reunited throughout the winter season. It is worth noting that because tangyuan are a symbol of family reunion, these desserts are sometimes only eaten in even numbers, and not odd numbers!



Tangyuan – the star of the Dongzhi Festival – come in all shapes and sizes, usually red or white colors without any filling, and are often served in sweet or savory soups. You can now also buy tangyuan in convenience stores and choose from a variety of fillings, such as peanut, sesame, matcha, and even bubble milk tea flavors! Savory tangyuan are also a traditional dish in Hakka culture.

Penghu’s Special Variety of “Tangyuan”


Penghu – Taiwan’s large outlying islands – also have their own unique way to celebrate the Dongzhi Festival. Due to the islands’ infertile soil, cold winter weather, and strong winds, they have a tradition to refrain from killing animals and take on a vegetarian diet during Dongzhi. Islanders make special dumpling dish (雞母狗仔 – this is Taiwanese), a kind of steam-cooked sweet rice dumpling made from glutinous rice, and a sticky rice pastry called 菜繭(cài jiǎn, or cài gān). They are three times larger than tangyuan, but unlike tangyuan which are boiled in water, cai jian are steam-cooked. However, with the ample food and ingredients we now have today, you can find cai jian made with meat. If you like savory tangyuan, then cai jian are a must-try!

Other Customs


Finally, because Dongzhi is the shortest day of the year, it is also a day heavy with Yin energy. Therefore it is advised to not stay out after dark, which is also a good reason to go home early to be with your family. So, if you’re visiting Taiwan during the Dongzhi Festival, why not follow these traditions and celebrate this festival with a friend! Maybe you’ll even meet someone hospitable enough to invite you home for a traditional Taiwanese family reunion dinner!

Traditional Chinese Text






Transcript from cooking part of the video [Simplified Chinese]

我这次买的甜汤圆有花生跟芝麻口味,汤的部分很简单,大部分人都是用糖水,不过我从小就是加牛奶,长大后我喜欢泡自己爱喝的茶,再把汤圆加进去,吃起来不会太甜。汤圆煮滚浮起来后就可以吃喽!咸汤圆首先我们来做馅料。其实你想要加什么都可以。我这次是做素的咸汤圆所以我用胡萝卜 杏鲍菇、 芹菜、 板豆腐、 干香菇、 腐竹 把它们切碎接下来加入你喜欢的油或是调味料我加了姜油 红油辣子 蒜头 酱油 再加一点胡椒粉 炒到酱汁收干再来是咸汤圆的汤头。我买了现成的蔬菜汤包 加上红葱油、葱、酱油还有剩下的食材, 等待煮滚的时候 我们来做汤圆外皮吧!汤圆外皮的材料非常简单,只有热水跟糯米粉热水可以让汤圆皮更好成团只要揉到不黏手就好了汤圆皮不太好捏所以你可以做任何形状都没关系。我做成了水饺状因为素咸汤圆的馅料已经熟了所以煮的时候只要等外皮熟就可以了加到汤里就是一碗好吃的咸汤圆喽!

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