
豚カツ (tonkatsu) is fried pork and a very popular dish in Japan. English speakers like to call it Katsu but pronounce it as CAT-soo, instead of the Japanese way, KAH-tsu.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

While Pocky is spelled how an English speaker would pronounce it, PAH-key, in Japanese it is pronounced ポッキー POE-key.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

In English, we pronounce 本田 as HAN-duh, where in Japanese it’s pronounced HONE-dah.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

Calpico is カルピス in Japanese, which sounds a little too close to Cow Piss. So for whatever reason, in English it’s pronounced CAL-pee-KO, and not KAH-ru-PEE-SU.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:
Pocari Sweat

While Pocari Sweat has the same name in Japan and English speaking countries, English speakers usually pronounce this as PUH-CAR-EE, opposed to the Japanese way, POE-KAH-REE.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

In Japanese, samurai is pronounced SAH-mu-RYE. English speakers often pronounce this as SAM-moo-RYE.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

Pronounced NEEN-jah in Japanese, and NIN-juh in English.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

Romaji is pronounced as ROW-mah-JEE as an English speaker. In Japanese, it’s pronounced ROMAA-ji.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

Edamame should be pronounced Eh-da-MA-meh. A lot of English speakers pronounce this as ED-uh-MA-mee.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

Again, words that usually end with an E, English speakers will pronounce this word as SHE-tahk-EE, instead of SHE-EE-TA-KEH.
English pronunciation:
Japanese Pronunciation:

English speakers pronounce Mirin as MEER-in. Japanese speakers pronounce it as MEE-REEN.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation:

English speakers pronounce Kirin as KEER-in. Japanese speakers pronounce it as KEE-REEN.
English pronunciation:
Japanese Pronunciation:
Kobe beef

English speakers pronounce this as KO-bee. Japanese pronounce this as KO-BEH.
English pronunciation:
Japanese pronunciation: