Expressions in Japanese ⑤

In Japanese by Skritter

…And even more expressions in Japanese leaving off from last time!

一期一会 (いちごいちえ)
Lit: One period of time, one meet
A once in a life time experience; an opportunity you should take advantage of because it might not come again.
Ex: 出会いは一期一会だから大切にしないと
You only have one chance to happen upon this so you must treat it preciously.


誤解を招く (ごかいをまねく)
Lit: Inviting misunderstanding
To ask for a misunderstanding; to lead to/cause misunderstanding; This one almost reminds me of the expression “asking for trouble”, used in situations where something probably shouldn’t be done or said, because it would only lead to misunderstanding.
Ex:  そういう発言は誤解を招きやすい
Such a remark is open to misunderstanding.

お陰様で (おかげさまで)
 Lit: By (means of) the shadow of the gods/mystical forces; thanks (to); thanks to you; thank the heavens; This is an old expression used to show gratitude, not necessarily for something that someone has done directly, like how ”ありがとう” would be used. For instance, if someone asks if you are 元気, you could respond with “おかげさまで元気です。”


Ex: おかげさまで何とかやっていますよ.
I’m getting along somehow, thank you.


相変わらず (あいかわらず)
Lit: Without change

Just as always; the same as ever; This is used to imply that nothing has changed. For even more emphasis it can be said “相も変わらず”.

Ex: 相変わらずだね?

You never change, do you?
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