Feature Overload Pt. 5

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThis one might be a bit of a surprise, since it’s not one of the newsletter features but something we just put up this morning. Yes, it is the long-awaited new progress page! After the last “improvement” we made to this page, it didn’t take long to realize we needed something a lot better. Summer Skritter intern Oliver has been working hard to increase the awesomeness on your progress visualization, so take a look!

The big goal here was to let you meaningfully see your progress for all the different types of items you can study on Skritter at a glance while still letting you conveniently get at the more detailed numbers. So there’s no more bogus “all” category where the items are added together. And you can now even see a little bit more information than before: character-level vs. word-level retention rates are now available.

On the home page, there’s only room for one graph at a time, so you can pick the item category you want to focus on. The full progress page then has the rest of your stats. And the progress reminders have been moved to the Vocabulary Tools area (and updated to show progress on all item categories, as well). If you haven’t tried getting progress emails, you should have a try!

Let us know what you think of the new progress stuff. Regularly scheduled feature overloads to resume shortly.

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