Fashionable Chinese Words and Sentences

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The following words and sentences are popular with the young Chinese people. If a foreigner can speak them, his or her Chinese friends will be impressed and surprised, so let’s learn about them.

Fashionable Chinese words:
1. 顶 (dǐng)
As you know, we can say: 一顶帽子
But if you only know this, you are out of the loop.
Now if you have the similar idea with others and want to agree, you can say: 顶 / 我顶

2. 囧 (jiǒng)
Doesn’t this character look just like an embarrassed face?
Well that is because it really is.
This word became popular just last year, but now it’s one of the hottest words in Chinese youth culture.
When you come across people and things beyond your imagination, but you don’t like them, you can say: 囧,好囧

3.飘过 (piāoguò)
Chinese youth use this phrase on the internet. If one of your friends writes a blog post, and you read it, however, you don’t want to write a long response, you can simply respond with “ 飘过”

Chinese youth also use some fashionable sentences (pinyin and English are below):

1. 我能容忍身材是假的,脸是假的,胸是假的,臀是假的!!!但就是不容忍钱是假的!!!!

2. 我们走得太快了,灵魂都跟不上了。。。。。

3. 还能冲动,表示你还对生活有激情,总是冲动,表示你还不懂生活。

1. 我能容忍身材是假的,
Wǒ néng róngrěn shēncái shì jiǎ de,
I can tolerate fake figure,

liǎn shì jiǎ de,
fake face,

xiōng shì jiǎ de,
fake breasts,

and fake hips,
tún shì jiǎ de!!!

dàn jiù shì bù róngrěn qián shì jiǎ de!!!!
but I can’t tolerate fake money!

2. 我们走得太快了,
Wǒmen zǒu dé tài kuài le,
We have a high speed development in material life,

líng hún dōu gēn bù shàng le……
but our soul can’t catch up to it.

3. 还能冲动,
hái néng chōng dòng,
If you are still impulsive,

biǎoshì nǐ hái duì shēnghuó yǒu jī qíng,
it reflects you still have enthusiasm for life.

zǒngshì chōng dòng
If you are always impulsive,

biǎoshì nǐ hái bù dǒng shēnghuó.
it reflects you don’t know what life is.


Study this post’s Chinese vocabulary list (including the sentence) in Skritter or click the word below to add to your Skritter queue:
顶 – dǐng, to agree (slang)
囧 – jiǒng, depressed; chill; embarrassed (slang)
飘过 – 飘过, seen it – to have skimmed

Chinese Version: You can study the words from this post in Skritter.














1. 我能容忍身材是假的,脸是假的,胸是假的,臀是假的!!!但就是不容忍钱是假的!!!!

2. 我们走得太快了,灵魂都跟不上了。。。。。

3. 还能冲动,表示你还对生活有激情,总是冲动,表示你还不懂生活。

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