Zhongwen Chrome extension: now with Skritter support

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoIf you use Google Chrome and study Chinese, then you should install the Zhongwen Chrome extension made by Skritterer shillec. It’s a popup translator for Chrome, is very handy, and now lets you simply press ‘S’ to add any Chinese word to your Skritter queue! This is even better than combining Firefox’s Perapera-kun and the add-to-Skritter bookmarklet (which you should still use if you’re on Firefox). Also remember that if you’re looking up words on MDBG, you can add them to your Skritter queue by clicking the “S” icon in each word’s row.

shillec has been great about working in user feedback from our forums, so you can let him know what you think in this thread. Thanks, shillec!

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