Wacom Store is Up!

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoIt’s been a long time in the coming, but you are now able to order Wacom pen tablets from us. You can check out the Wacom store via the button on the home page.

We decided to keep the store as simple as possible by only offering the two most cost-effective tablets that we can personally vouch for. We have all three been using the tablets we are selling for more than a year and have been really impressed. Scott uses his tablet for more than just Skrittering while Nick and I only use ours to write Chinese. We really can’t recommend the tablets enough. If you are serious about learning to write Chinese and want to do it on the computer, the tablets are a no-brainer: you can write faster, easier, and more ergonomically than with a mouse. And take it from Scott, the tablets aren’t just great for writing, they are excellent if you do any Photoshop or illustrating work.

We are selling the tablets at-price essentially as a benefit for Skritter users. We believe they have really helped us learn better and we want to open that option up for other Skritterers.

You will notice that the store does not support international shipping, and that is because as consumers, we happen to know that shipping costs from our reseller aren’t terribly competitive abroad. So, if you still want the tablet goodness but live outside of the contiguous United States, we have recommended several international websites that will do a better job of shipping your goods for better rates.

Thanks for your patience with us in getting this up and running. We hope that the tablets improve your Skrittering experience.

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