Payment System Up; What’s Next

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoJust uploaded the new payment system! As we said, existing users will still be able to purchase at the old prices until March 26th. Interestingly, the two year purchase has become abnormally popular lately…

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time going over and testing everything that was shuffled around: user referrals, coupons, school validations, and alike, both with the old system and the new. I’ve been very careful with this, and I’ll be keeping an extra careful eye on the payment system to make sure it’s working correctly. One thing that can be sure though: while credit card information is being transferred through us to our credit card payment gateway service provider, Authorize.Net, that information is encrypted the whole way.

And now that we have a credit card system in place, I can work on setting up a Wacom tablet store. These tablets are perfect for use for Skritter; we use them ourselves and time and again users have let us know how good they are for practicing. This should be fairly quick to build, so you won’t have to wait much longer!

After that I’ll be diving into a very large project indeed: the rebuilding of the vocab system from the ground up. I’ll be starting by creating a practice navigation page, which you will reach by clicking the practice tab, rather than immediately going to a practice page. On this new page you will be able to:

  • Study all your vocab (currently how it works)
  • Study a single list by itself.
  • Study a single section of a list by itself.
  • Study a set of words entered in a textbox.
  • Browse all lists and sections studied, ordered by activity.
  • Remove a list from study, without removing words that have been added from other lists that you are still studying.

We get a lot of emails about the vocabulary list system. It’s confusing how checking lists for study only changes whether words are added or not, and keeps words that have been added in study. By having users choose whether they want to study all the words they’ve added or a list or a section, it should be much clearer what they have chosen to study. It will also be simpler to remove words from study.

With these changes, cram mode will be phased out. Having two different kinds of lists, normal and cram, is confusing. So we’re switching to having just one kind of list, and making it easy to study that list or a section in that list by itself, and being able to drop in a set of words on the fly to study. This should cover the same needs the current cram system covers, and will be much clearer and easier to use.

There are two more parts to the vocab overhaul: remaking the list editor and vastly upgrading the queue. With all these come new features and significant improvements in usability, so we hope you like these upcoming changes!

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