We’re Back!

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoWell actually, we’ve been back for a few days, but Scott returned earlier this afternoon, which means that the trifecta is complete and we can resume operating at full tilt.

Two updates from the Skritter HQ:

1) Our records show that a surprising number of people have taken us up on last month’s practice-every-day challenge, and we will be sending out an email to alert everyone that qualifies at the end of the week. The T-shirts are ready and waitin’ to be thrown out the hungry horde!

2) We have two interns that are helping us around the site for the duration of Oberlin’s Winter Term (essentially the month of January). Today Garrett implemented a long-overdue site update that will go live shortly. Tomorrow Blair will get oriented and she can start sinking her teeth into the actionscript tome that is the practice page. Thanks to those noble souls for their assistance, and we look forward to giving them ample opportunity to impress everyone with their skillz.


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