Help us Pick a Tagline!

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoSo for the past few weeks we have been trying unsuccessfully to come up with a tagline for Skritter. We were wondering if our users might have some more shiny brain nuggets. So we propose a challenge: we will give a 2 year subscription to the best tag line submission.

We have already come up with a few examples which are as follows:

Forget Flashcards, Not Characters.
Developing the best Asian language writing tool.
Characters don’t have to be hard.
Helping you rock the characters.
Write to learn.
Learning characters has never been this much fun.
Helping you procrastinate efficiently since 2008.
Making learning easier than forgetting since 2008.

Obviously nobody can win by submitting these, but we thought we would provide them to get your creative juices flowing. The tag line has to be equally applicable to Japanese and Chinese, shorter is better, and we want it to be entirely in English. The tag line will appear on the site, on our emails, business cards, and print materials.

If you would like to enter the contest, send us your suggestions via the contact page or the feedback form on the practice page along with your user name. We will keep track of what people submit. We will select a winner before December 18th. If we don’t get very many submissions, we’ll just contact all the submitters and call it off.

Betcha can’t make our head’s do this:

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