Join us for our first open chat!

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoLately we’ve been itching to communicate with everyone using the site in a more synchronous and immediate way. We’ve been contemplating putting up a short-response poll but we thought it would be better to try an open chat session first and see how that went. Do you have questions about the site you would like answered? Would you be willing to let us ask you some questions about your experience on Skritter? Do you want to know which Smash Bros Brawl character is our favorite? Show up and find out.

Here are the details: join our chat at on Saturday (October 31st) 11:00AM – 12:00PM or 4:00PM – 5:00PM EST. We will all three be standing by so you don’t have to put up with just me.

We would encourage you to show up and chat a little independent of your user status. For instance, you could show up and tell us why you didn’t stick around (which does sort of beg the question, is our blog really that good?), what’s holding you back from buying a subscription, or even just what you appreciate about the site. We’re looking forward to running this experiment, and we hope to see you there.

Talk about this post on our forum!