Genki’s Here

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThe first Genki book has arrived! Along with that we’ve already done a fair amount of tweaking to Japanese this past week, mostly to the backend, just making sure things work the way they should, and improving the prompt interface. Still more work to be done, but we’re making progress.

One thing that Japanese lists have that Chinese lists don’t have is the ability to distinguish between words just for learning the reading and definition, and words where you want to learn the Kanji too. In Genki, the sections are divided up this way. So when you add from Genki 1, it will quickly pass over the larger vocabulary sections and just add from the Kanji sections. However, I just added an option for Japanese users to override this so they can learn the Kanji for all words in a list, not just the ones that are designated for it. So if you’re feeling ambitious, go ahead and use this option to study above and beyond what the textbook calls for.

Genki II is on the way! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a bunch of reviewing to do…

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