List editor improvements

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoI’m using the custom list editor to upload some more textbooks, and so we’ve made some improvements to the process to make longer lists easier to manage. The first is that you can include all sections in one dump by adding asterisks:

* Lesson 5

* Lesson 6

The second is that it will now accept entries for which we don’t yet have the characters. So you can make, say, a list of elements in the periodic table, and it will include 镍 (niè, nickel) and the other 21 missing elemental characters. They’ll just be skipped over when adding from the list until we can create them.

I’ve also made it so that you can hover over the characters for words that you’d need to create and get a tooltip containing the possible pinyins we have for each character so far. Makes it quicker to add new ones without a dictionary lookup. Those characters also function as a link to nciku, for when you need the definition, too.

If you want to make some lists but don’t have any source material, you can input some of the remaining lists from the custom wordlist Google doc that we put together a while ago.

Happy list building!

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