Japanese, Skritty and the Magnet

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThe past few days Nick and Scott have been making dramatic headway on the Japanese version of Skritter which will soon be released upon the world. At the moment, we’re focusing our efforts on getting a Japanese version of the scratchpad done, as a sort of internal testing tool for the eventual release of the full featured version. Site navigation has been discussed, subdomains have been activated, and an internal use tool has been born. You can check out the very chic looking screenshot below. You might notice Scott’s excellent taste in backgrounds. That particular picture is the first result if you do a Google image search for “anime.”

While Nick, Scott, Maksym and have been working, my girlfriend put together some really cool little Skritters for the Chicago homeschooling conference that we will be attending next week. They’re pretty neat if I do say so myself.

Finally, Nick and I have struck again. Last year we bought a 1″ diameter spheroid neodymium magnet that we played with until its exterior was flaking away. It’s been residing on our refrigerator for a long time, but it’s always been our design to purchase a larger one. Last week that plan was brought to fruition. We bought a 2″ spheroid neodymium magnet from the ominously named unitednuclear.com. which arrived on Monday evening. Needless to say, we spent that entire night playing around with it. It’s a lot of fun if you’re careful and remain aware of all the ferrous objects without 6 inches of it. Additionally, we can’t comfortably bring it into our command center for fear that it will roll unpredictably and destroy some sensitive piece of electronics. We conducted an experiment using the ridiculous setup and found out that it has a pull force of about 110 lbs! Being careful is a must, but geez is that thing fun to play with.

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