Finally: Cramming is Back!

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoCramming has made its triumphant return! But like Gandalf’s reincarnation, it has returned in a new form. No longer is it a ‘mode’. Instead of switching to ‘cram mode’ and choosing a section from a list on the vocabulary lists page, you can create multiple custom cram lists and study from them at your leisure on a separate page from the normal practice page. We’ve made it easy to create and edit these lists, all from the cram lists page, and easy to choose one to study. You can also go to any vocabulary list and choose a section and it will auto-generate a cram list composed of the words from that section.

When you study from a cram list, you’ll be studying from a page that’s a cross between the regular practice page and scratchpad. You’ll have control over what you practice like in the scratchpad, but your studies will be recorded normally like in practice mode. Words are provided in the order they were put in the list, unless you reorder them with the river at the bottom of the page or you use the shuffle button. Let us know if there are other ways you would like to have control over your cramming.

Remember to continue to use normal practice mode, though! You’ll get the most out of your studies if you make sure you study based on the scheduling that’s going on in the background, so it’s important not to rely too heavily on cram mode. Use it wisely!

In other news, I’ve just reorganized the progress tracking system. Why is this important? Because it’s a prerequisite to two very large and important features: Japanese and pinyin/definition practice to be exact. The system wasn’t nearly flexible enough to handle that many more things to keep track of, so this had to be done. The new progress system also happens to be a prerequisite for rankings. So onwards to more features! In the meantime, if you notice something going weird with your progress tracking, let us know so we can iron out any bugs that sneaked in while I was shuffling everything around.

Give us your feedback on cram lists! It’s been demanded for so long, we’re eager to make sure it does what you want it to do.

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