Vocab Lists: Take 4

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThe vocabulary list page has had a long and storied life. First it was just a set of drop downs; you chose what lists you wanted to start with and that was pretty much it. Then as part of the migration we built a new page that allowed you to browse the list. Then we decided it needed work and made the last version, which ended up confusing more than it cleared up. But now! We’ve got an even more brand new version just uploaded.

The main problem with the last one was it wasn’t clear how users were intended to add from lists. Many used the browsing and selection features to add, when there was a system in place already to automatically add from lists. Now the auto add feature is much more prominent, being the first thing you see when you view a list, with an arrow system to better indicate what it will do when you choose a section. Let us know how you like this new system, if it feels more intuitive than the last (I sure hope it is!).

We added a couple other features when we built this better viewer. You can see when was the last time you studied each section of each list. You can also select sections to skip, which should be useful if your school decides not to study from a given section or two. And deleting sections and lists is now in its own separate tab, with better indication of your progress as you go. We weren’t keeping that data before, so I’m afraid it will only tell you what sections you’ve completed from today onward.

While George and I have been designing/implementing that, Nick has also been busy. He has been improving stroke recognizers, though keep letting him know about ones that are still problematic. Styling and bugs have been fixed for IE6, IE7 and IE8. He also worked on the Genius (scheduling client side) and it now indicates % readiness in the prompt, and you can hover your mouse over them for more detailed info. The % readiness should generally be going down as you practice, and if you’re getting items that are less than 100% ready but the review bar still shows plenty left to work on, let us know so we can keep debugging it. And lastly, incorrect stroke pulses appear blue, instead of green. How do you like them changes?

Oh geez launch is in three days! Scramble all developers!

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