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In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoAs suggested by Ge Daozhen, Ximeng, and ZachH, you can now click anywhere in the practice window to go to the next character when done, instead of having to go for the “next” button. The “next” cursor deactivates for half a second after you get something wrong so you don’t accidentally skip past a mistake without realizing it. This is good for double-clicking on tone buttons, too.

I’ve been playing around with it and I think it rocks. Way faster! Good design skills, guys! Let us know how you like it. In particular, does the half-second wrong delay suit you?

We’ve tamed the bug herds that have been trampling us since the rearchitecturization. The doombug yet persists, but it may not be too doomy any more with some of the fixes we’ve made. Now herds of minor features and fixes will roam across the land, and reckoning will come for a bunch of the irascible recognizers that have polluted our screens for too long.

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