App Engine downtime

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoSo, we were trying to put the new version up tonight, but we smashed into two brutal crabs. The first: extended App Engine downtime. I say downtime because after the scheduled maintenance was completed, it looks like they’re serving on like two machines, one of which is on fire, and nothing’s truly back online yet. Not good for uploading new versions, testing, and migrating data.

The second and most brutallic crab is Internet Explorer 6. A glorious hedgehog in its day, I’m sure, but now so long overshadowed by its nobly shining successors that it has twisted up into a dark creature of hate which now hangs out with Gollum just to feel better about itself. We didn’t expect the depths of its depravity and it’s taking longer than expected to beat it into submission.

But we’re getting close and may pull it off by tomorrow, crabs willing!

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