Getting there

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoSo in order to get all the vocab lists into the new format, we need to do the big definition consolidation, too, it turns out, in addition to all the other stuff we were going to do later but had to do first. Which means it’s taking even longer, but will be even better, than heretofore dreamt.

George has been doing the first pass on this work for the past two months, and he just finished today. I started reviewing/correcting them last week, and I’m 40% done. I’m trying to go as fast as I can, but it’s exhausting. At least I’m learning a lot of Chinese while doing it.

There are yet several handfuls of data migration and debugging tasks to do before we can put everything online, after that’s done. I’ve been abysmal about estimates before, but assuming we don’t discover anything else that needs to get done at the same time, let’s guess it’ll be ready in three weeks. Pretty brutal, I know. But it will yet be worth the wait!

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