Very Snowy

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThe last few days about 10 inches of snow have fallen upon Oberlin. We are veritably encased in solid water crystals, and the roads have been terrible. Our friend Trina (who works in the town of Oberlin, but lives out in the treacherous countryside of doom) stayed on our control-center futon for the weekend because it wasn’t safe for her to drive home.

Earlier today Scott and Nick worked on the connectivity problems in China, and they think they got it working. Let me restate that, they hope they got it working. If you’re in China and you’re still having connectivity problems, let us know. Hopefully this problem has been solved.

I’ve been working on an alternative tone input interface thingy that will allow everyone to choose between writing the tone marks or just clicking a button. So those of you that like the current system, no fear, it’s not going anywhere. For those that have had trouble getting the tone recognition to to work, improvements are on the way.

Tomorrow morning we’re having our photograph taken for an article in Inside Business Magazine, which is “Your source for business in Northeast Ohio.” It’s a good PR opportunity and we’re going to go all out for the photographer and shave and perhaps even put on clothing that isn’t entirely worn out. It’ll be fabulous.

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