Shouldn’t Have Left Me Alone 2

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoI arrived back in the command center on Saturday the 27th and have been cleaning and organizing with grandmotherly fury. All of the cups have been washed, I dusted, I vacuumed, I did laundry, and just generally tidied up. If I had any frilly lace I’d probably tie bows around everything just to “spruce things up.” All I need now is an apron and some knitting needles and I pretty much be the quintessential grand matron.

I’ve been working to respond to some of the feedback that has accumulated, like so many snow drifts, but I’m leaving some of it for Nick, as he’ll be better able to contend with character-specific fixes and definition inaccuracies. Nick will be getting back this Wednesday and Scott arrives late on Thursday, so it’s likely we won’t really be full time here again until next Monday.

Until then, enjoy your new years celebrations, whatever they may be, and if you have non-character specific feedback, I’m here to answer questions.

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