Chagrin Falls and Refactoring

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoLast Friday we visited Chagrin Fall’s Gurney Elementary School to get some younger users trying Skritter. It turns out that their elementary school students don’t learn characters, which we might have predicted. Apparently the focus in younger age groups at Gurney is all on the speaking and listening and not so much the writing. Despite the strikeout with younger students, Ms. Jones, the principle of Gurney Elementary and our contact, Mr. Kristensen of Cleveland’s Techlift were gracious enough to offer several more educational contacts in the area, so we may be on the road in the near future bringing Skritter to more Cleveland-area students!

In other news, Nick and Scott are continuing their refactoring, right after Nick gets done fixing some of the errors that sprung up over the weekend. So that means there won’t be too many new features for a little while as they shore up the code and solidify the new system that will handle all the awesome features that are to come.

As a final note, several of our dedicated users have tipped us off to some really cool blogs about China and learning the Chinese language (I just read Uln’s blog, which is pretty neat) so thanks for those. Nick spent a large portion of this weekend going through and reading them and I’m lagging behind him.

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