When you want to see all sorts of useful information about a given word, where do you go? The word popup of course! Click a word in a list or press the magnifying glass icon …
New List System: Banned Words
One of the things we set out to do from the beginning was to make Skritter as efficient as possible. It takes long enough learning thousands of Chinese and Japanese characters as it is; you …
List System All Moved In
What a weekend! Since the upgrade to the new list system, we’ve been super busy fixing bugs, responding to questions, and considering lots of tweaks and changes that people have been coming up with. And …
List System Overhaul
List system upgrades! They’re finally done and out the door. These changes have been my main focus for the last three months, and they have been well worth the time and effort. Our aims for …
Challenge stories: Breaking 25 days
In some cases, the challenges motivate Skritter users to exceed the challenge itself and forge ahead for their own learning. In this case, Hannu went above and beyond the qualifying time for the challenge and …
Challenge Stories: HSK Motivation
The challenge was intended to get people pumped about learning more vocabulary, and for one user from Mexico City, it did that and more: “When I read the about the Extreme Challenge I was very …
Challenge Stories: Double the Learning
On rare occasions we actually get to meet Skritterers, and this was the case for long time learner Bob Clark. A while back we shared lunch a local Chinese restaurant and talked shop. So naturally …
Challenge Stories: Taking the Plunge
I have always been surprised by the diversity of Skritterers. In the course of running the company, Nick, Scott, and I have had the opportunity to meet with some intensely creative, motivated individuals. And so …
Opening the Skritter Store
Every time we run a learning challenge and dish out prizes, we have one or two people ask us why they can’t buy their own Skritter gear. For the last few years, we have answered …
Challenge Stories: 200 Words in 25 Days
Here’s a story that another dedicated Skritterer sent me following the conclusion of the challenge. His learning skyrocketed with the additional time, but his sleep schedule suffered. “I didn’t plan to participate in the challenge, …