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This series of posts covers Japanese songs, along with their lyrics, and translations so you can make sure you learn every word.
When translating Japanese, and especially for things like subtitles which are timed, there are times when the English translation sounds more natural when the line order is switched or combined, based on how the lines are broken apart in the lyrics in Japanese and the word order, since for instance what is sometimes said at the end of the sentence would be the beginning of what’s said in the English sentence. There are also times where something doesn’t match nuance, and so what’s said is actually somewhat changed. However when going the interpretation route versus direct translation route, the translation won’t always follow the flow, and also roughly match the English translation line by line. Since this is a song, and the musical emotion is timed with the Japanese lyrics, I’ve kept it as close to the Japanese flow as possible as far as what line corresponds to the English translation. Needless to say this might sound unnatural in English or a bit like Yoda in places, but butcher the song’s flow I want not!
For this one, let’s do: John Denver – Country Road (Japanese Version)
Country road is one of those songs that is pretty popular in Japan for some reason. It’s been featured in a lot of anime / dramas, and is one of those songs that can pop up in Karaoke. It’s sung in the Ghibli Anime “Whisper of the Heart”, for instance.
Japanese Lyrics:
この道 ずっとゆけば
あの街に 続いてる 気がする
独りぼっち 恐れずに
生きようと 夢見てた
さみしさ 押し込めて
強い自分を 守っていこう
この道 ずっとゆけば
あの街に 続いてる 気がする
歩き疲れ たたずもと
浮かんでくる 故郷の町
丘を巻く 坂の道
そんな僕を 叱っている
この道 ずっとゆけば
あの街に 続いてる 気がする
どんな挫けそうな 時だって
決して涙は 見せないで
心なしか 歩調が速くなっていく
思い出 消すため
この道 故郷へ続いても
僕は 行かないさ 行けない
明日は いつも僕さ
帰りたい 帰れない さよなら
English Translation:
Country road
If you follow this road onward
It continues to that town, I think
Country road
By myself, without fear
I dreamed of going
Shutting up my loneliness
Protecting my strong self, I’ll go
Country road
If you follow this road onward
It continues to that town, I think
Country road
Getting tired of walking then standing still
Floating closer, my hometown
The uphill road winding around the hill
I’m scolding that me
Country road
If you follow this road onward
It continues to that town, I think
Country road
No matter what discouraging times there are
I’ll never show any tears
Without heart, I’ll hurry and set myself free
In order to get rid of my memories
Country road
Even though this road continues to my hometown
I just can’t go, I can’t go
Country road
Tomorrow, the me I always am
I want to go back, but I can’t, farewell
Country road
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