Add API Updates

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoThe page you use to add words from other services, such as MDBG or the Bookmarklet, has gotten some upgrades!

Sometimes when you add a word with one of these tools, it turns out we don’t have it. As long as there’s enough information passed in, the system attempts to add the word automatically in this case, but sometimes there will be pieces missing or something isn’t valid. So now when this happens, the exact reasons why are given on the page, using the same word adding system the list editor uses.

To go along with this, you can now add these words to our system directly from this page, just as you would in the list editor. Then the information can be put in properly, and afterward the word is added to your queue. So basically it’s more convenient to add words that we don’t have in our system using the API, especially with the bookmarklet which often passes in incomplete info.

Also, the system has become a lot more flexible for Japanese users. Unlike with Chinese, there can be a fair amount of ambiguity what words you want to have added to your studies given just the writing or just the reading. So now when Skritter isn’t sure what word you want to have added, you get a list of the possibilities. Pick as many as you like!

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