Okay, this is the last redesign for the time being, we promise! Don’t worry, it’s not too drastic anyway. We’ve shuffled things around in the home page a bit and moved in two orphaned tools: the bookmarklet and the reminders. These used to be in the vocabulary page until that was split between the new vocabulary list and my words pages, and so these tools have been lying despondent in the study page since then, not quite fitting in there. Now they have a proper home in the home page.
More interesting is the addition of the items reviewed widget in the upper right corner. This shows who is studying right at that moment and how many items have been reviewed since the beginning, giving you an idea how active things are. Show other Skritter users how much you’re getting done!
Other than that it’s pretty much the same home page of old, just a little reorganized to better accommodate everything we’ve added to it since it was last given an overhaul. Enjoy and let us know what you think of the new widget!
Also, with this redesign done, I’m cleared to start working on my next set of interrelated projects. My last mega-project was the site-wide redesign (the home page being basically the last piece), but all those changes only really involved reorganizing features we already had to make them more accessible. This time though, I’ll be changing some of the underlying structure of the site, particularly for vocabulary lists. Lots of frequently requested features are going to be built, so this will be a busy spring! This will give you guys plenty of new improvements and features while we all eagerly await Nick’s completion of the Skritter iPhone app. Stay tuned!