Tell Us what You Think: 4 Question User Survey

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoSeveral months ago we asked people to fill out an impressively long user survey that covered everything from where people liked to read their news to people’s willingness to tell others about Skritter. It was both a success and a failure. It succeeded in that we got the information we needed (thanks to everyone who spent the time to do that, it was very appreciated). It failed because we quickly realized that we should have been letting you guys tell us what you think in your words.

So in the spirit of continuing to improve everything around here, we have created a much shorter open-response survey. We would really appreciate it if you’d take a few minutes to fill it out. You can click on the link above the logout button at the top right of the screen or you can just click here. After you have filled out the survey, the link will disappear so as not to bother you further.

For those of you who are antsy to know the contents of the survey, here are the 4 questions:

How would you describe Skritter to a friend?
How do you use Skritter? (How does it help YOU?)
What would persuade you to use Skritter more often?
What else besides Skritter should we offer on our site?

After we have collected the data, we will share some of the interesting highlights with the community as per our last survey.

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