Control Your Destiny, Part 2: Reviewing and Tones

In Uncategorized by Skritter

author photoA couple new control themed features: you can now stop adding from lists while still reviewing from them, and you can withhold from studying tones. Both of these settings are, once again, in the Vocabulary Tab.

Normally when you study from a list, it gives you whatever vocabulary there is to review, then if there’s nothing left, it takes some more vocab from that list. This is the ‘Review and Add’ mode. Now you can set a list to the ‘Review’ mode, and then when studying you get whatever is next to review, whether it’s time to study it or not. One thing to keep in mind, though, is if there are multiple lists, some in each mode, and there’s nothing left to review, more will simply be added from the ‘Review and Add’ lists, instead of skipping ahead to study the words from the ‘Review’ lists ahead of schedule.

As for the study tones option, this is mainly for people who know how to speak Chinese better than they can write it, and don’t want to practice the tones. Pretty simple.

I’ll be fixing some minor bugs and working on internal things for a little bit, but this is by no means to the end of control features being added! Stay tuned for more, and for now, see what you think of what’s been added so far.

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